Wispir - VRChat Avatar 3D Model
- ダウンロード商品Wispir Pack¥ 4,200
- ダウンロード商品Wispir Extra Stuff¥ 0
Update 07/15/2023: Minor weightpainting and mesh/UV map adjustments, new teeth, new eyelash and extra eyeshine blendshapes, Gesture/FX fixes, physbones reorganized -!-NOTICE-!- If you have previously purchased the Wispir when they were in separate packs or you cannot download the updated version, please contact me here or direct message me on Twitter so that I can assist you. Please make sure to include your Order ID and/or Identification Code. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for stopping by~! This is my custom species made for VRChat, the fluffy dragon spirits, Wispirs! Each Wispir has unique eyes and horn style, now all packed into one at a reduced price~! Listed just for clarification: • Neutral : Gray • Sharp Eyed: Red • Sad Eyed: Blue • Wide Eyed: Yellow It's not perfect but they are Full Body Tracking compatible. They are compatible with most VRChat MMD Dance Worlds, with lip syncing and facial expressions!
-- What's Inside --
• .Blend files (made with Blender 2.79) • Unity Package • All Four color texture variations • .PSD texture file • About Wispir text file that has some just-for-fun lore~ • Please Read Me text file, please give it a look
-- Unity Shader --
The shader used for this model is Xiexe's Unity Shader, which you can get from the Source Code under Assets in the link provided. To install, simply extract the folder to your Unity Project Assets folder. https://github.com/Xiexe/Xiexes-Unity-Shaders/releases
-- Extra Stuff --
• Added standalone Wispir Horns for customization! There's a mini guide for removing the existing horns and importing the standalone ones, I hope it's easy to follow. • Added a new Gesture animation and updated some of the other ones~ If you're interested in learning a little bit about my Wispirs, you can do so here~ : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BvfAl4RJsdxCGkJcPkSsnGb6CGYjDL9A1Cr5bZzwulc
-- VRCSDK NOT included! --
Please make sure the VRCSDK is installed in your project before unpacking the Unity package.
-- VRChat Avatar World --
If you'd like to try on the avatar in-game first, please visit my small avatar world~!: https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_afb81a77-ca4b-46b9-a294-20acb105c165
-- Customization for Others --
If you wish to retexture or edit the model for others and be paid a commission for your work, please try to confirm that they have bought their own model package. The same goes for looking for someone to edit your model for you, please try to make sure they have their own package to work from.